Raising Wise Children
10 knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” (Proverbs 1:1-7, NIV). Then, as if a bookend corresponding to verse seven and holding together the first nine chapters of universal truths, comes this statement in Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." The first six verses talk plainly about getting wisdom. This requires discipline and understanding. But the effort is well worth it, because it leads a person to do what is right and just and fair. This forms an admirable life worth living. Wise people desire this for themselves and certainly they desire it for their children. Verse 4 zeroes in on who, especially, needs this kind of training: prudence, knowledge and discretion must be given to the simple and the young. This is true because none of these qualities are innate. That is, none of us are born with them! It is vitally important for parents to be involved in the process of instilling these things in the life of their children. We will see
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