Raising Wise Children

12 That something is the fear of the Lord. It is the beginning of knowledge or wisdom in this sense: You can only really understand the true meaning of any discipline or field of knowledge rightly, with the fear of the Lord as your underlying premise. This is true whether you are talking about history, mathematics, literature, science, archaeology, or any other field of study. Ultimate knowledge begins with this universal principle: the fear of the Lord. This is the basic, underpinning of the wise and this is the theme or purpose of the Book of Proverbs. To know the Holy One is understanding. Only a right relationship with God gives His children the ability to see and understand things rightly. The fear of the Lord is lesson number one for children as we prepare them for life in today's often mixed-up world. The wise recognize God in all of His glory and see His remarkable grace and loving kindness. The wise delight in God’s eternal covenant fulfilled by Jesus Christ. This is the path they choose to walk. It is the path of wisdom. By contrast to this path, the Book of Proverbs also points to the way of the world. When a person refuses to fear God, rejecting