Raising Wise Children

31 Footnotes 1 Cf. Whitlock, L. G., Sproul, R. C., Waltke, B. K., & Silva, M. (1995). The Reformation Study Bible: bringing the light of the Reformation to Scripture: New King James Version (Pr 1:7). Nashville: T. Nelson. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 Murphy, R. E. (1998). Proverbs (Vol. 22, p. 255). Dallas: Word, Incorporated. 5 Newheiser, J. (2008). Opening up Proverbs (pp. 26–28). Leominster: Day One Publications. 6 Sermon excerpt by John Piper, Published on May 22, 2013. http://www.desiringGod.org/