Raising Wise Children

2 wise life lived in the fear of the Lord. That is what God wants for each of us. Wise parents desire that for their children. This kind of wisdom is what Proverbs is all about. This Book of the Bible teaches that true wisdom impacts every area of life. Do you want real success in every aspect of your life? Do you want a joyous and fruitful marriage? Do you want to enjoy success in raising your children? Do you want to prosper in your career? Do you want to have fulfilling relationships with others? Do you want to learn how to speak with wisdom and grace? Study the Proverbs and learn to live by them. The Book of Proverbs is part of the Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament. It was written by a number of authors including Solomon, Agur and Lemuel. The first seven verses serve as a brief introduction outlining the purpose of the book. Chapters 1-9 explore universal truths regarding wisdom that especially need to be taught to children in order to prepare them for a successful life in a fallen and messy world. Together, these chapters form an introduction and foundation to the short, pithy