Raising Wise Children

3 statements that most of us think of as proverbs. This kind of teaching largely comprises chapters 10-31. Our book will center on the universal truths found in Chapters 1-9. Education when I was young centered on the three Rs: Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Together these things were said to form the core curriculum that children needed to learn. These things make up a body of knowledge said to be important for students as they leave school. Wisdom, on the other hand, deals with moral character. Real wisdom, according to Proverbs, chapters 1-9, requires a core curriculum that is more extensive than mere head knowledge. The universal truths found in these chapters make up what I call the six Rs of wisdom. Add these to a body of knowledge and you have a joining of the heart and mind that pleases the Lord. It is very important that as our kids gain knowledge, they also gain wisdom.