We Are Missionaries to the Next Generation. 

FamiliesAlive exists to help parents raise children who know, love, and serve the Lord.

A Key Tool the Lord Uses for Gospel Transformation? Parents Sharing Their Faith With Their Children.

Since 1997, we have pursued one singular focus: helping parents be transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ so they can, in turn, make it the cornerstone of their family life. When parents embrace their role as primary disciplers of their children and are equipped with the tools to do so, families flourish and children’s hearts are turned to God.


Here’s how we do it:

Family Time Materials

Hundreds of hours of fun and meaningful devotions, online and in print, for parents to teach their children the Gospel.

Foundations for Parents

A hands-on, interactive, ten-week crash course in Biblical parenting, available in print and digitally.

Workshops & Retreats

Equipping and inspiring parents to embrace their job as the primary disciplers of their children.

Church Staff Trainings

Equipping head pastors, family pastors, children’s & student ministry staff and more to come alongside parents in discipling the next generation.

Latest from the Blog

Week 4

Week 4

*Note to parents: This week we end where we began, awed that Jesus came to bring light to the darkness! You'll see that this Week 4 devotional is set up differently than the three previous weeks. With that in mind, know that the main focus is simply this: Jesus is the...

Week 3

Week 3

*Note to parents: If you have younger children, we recommend splitting up the Scripture readings/talk-times and songs over several different nights this week, and adding the other activities whenever they will work best for your family. If you have older children, or...

Invest in the Next Generation

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These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

- Deuteronomy 6:6-7

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