Therefore, Hope - A Ministry of FamiliesAlive

Know your Hope.

Speak your Hope.

Hold out your Hope.

Who We Are

1 Peter 3:15 is the heartbeat of our ministry:

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.

First, we must have a relationship with God. Then, we need to be ready to share that hope with others. It is just that simple; yet, as believers, we often find articulating our faith difficult.

What We Do

We train believers to share the gospel and their faith with those around them.

StoryLine Training

A hands-on training broken into three parts:

  1. Your story
  2. His story
  3. Entering into their story

The training can be done as 4 classes, a week long trip, a weekend of training, or a one night event. Those who complete the training walk away with practical ways to share the gospel and their faith with those around them.


    We take people into places where they can share the gospel boldly with those we encounter on the street in ways that meet the heart’s cry for the hope of Jesus.

    Continuing Relationships — We encourage people to walk with those we encounter in evangelism and in our daily lives who do not yet know Jesus. In these relationships, we take every opportunity to speak and show the love of God.