Week 3

by | December 2024 | Advent

Other Advent Weeks

Week 3

*Note to parents: If you have younger children, we recommend splitting up the Scripture readings/talk-times and songs over several different nights this week, and adding the other activities whenever they will work best for your family. If you have older children, or you’re enjoying this time intentionally with other families, feel free to do all the Scripture readings/talk-times and songs in one sitting, then move on to the activities, which may be spread throughout the week.
Also, any of the songs can be switched out for some of your favorites. Just sing together and listen to Jesus-pointing Christmas music together in this season!
Lastly, if you are gathering with other families, feel free to do this anywhere, even outside in the sunshine. There is great freedom in how you gather during the Advent season!

Recap & Pray

Gather your family (or your church family) in a room with some candlelight. If you made or purchased an Advent wreath, light the first, second, and third candles. As you light the candles, remind each other that Jesus came to bring light to the darkness and He is coming back again.

Parent/Leader, say:
Last week we learned from Isaiah and from the writer of Hebrews that Jesus understands our sadness, our sickness, our pain and suffering because He experienced those things when He walked the earth. In fact, He understands more about our suffering than we can even imagine because He suffered more than anyone ever has or ever will. He was hated and rejected, spit on, beaten, nailed to a cross, and separated from God our Father, all so we could be saved! He also understands the temptation to sin because He, too, was tempted. But, He is the only person to ever live who never sinned because we needed someone perfect to remove our sins from us. 

Pray together:  
Dear Jesus, thank you that you came to bring light to the darkness. Thank you that you understand the hard things we go through. We wait expectantly for you to come back again. Help us to know and love you more during this season of Advent. In your name, Amen.


Begin by reading Revelation 21:3-4 (if you have older children, read Rev. 21:1-7)
And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” ESV

Parent/Leader, say:
We are looking forward to celebrating Christmas next week, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But one day soon, we will celebrate with God forever in heaven, our true home, because Jesus is coming back to take us there, to take us home. And God, through the apostle John, in theses verses in the book of Revelation, showed His people a picture of home, of heaven. A day is coming when we will live with God and He will live with us forever. A day is coming when there will be no more sadness, no more sickness, no more pain, no more suffering, and no more sin. A day is coming when there will be no more crying and no more death! This is what Advent is all about. We are waiting, with great expectation, for that day!


Joy to the World
Here is a link to the lyrics: Joy to the World
Our bodies were created to praise the Lord. We encourage you to worship with your bodies as you sing! Here are a couple of links to fun versions, including hand motions for young kids. EnJOY!
Joy to the World
Joy to the World
My favorite version can be streamed from your favorite music streaming service and also found on YouTube: Joy to the World (Joyful, Joyful): LIVE from the Chosen


Parent/Leader, say:
We are waiting for Jesus to return. What do you think we should do while we wait? (Allow for answers)
While Jesus lived on this earth, He answered this very question…

Read Matthew 22:37-40:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” ESV

Parent/Leader, say:
While we wait, Jesus wants us to love Him and to love others. We are to love God more than we love anyone or anything else. And we are to love others as we love ourselves. 

What are some things we can do to show our love for God? (Allow for answers. Some ideas include: Read our Bibles; pray; sing to Him; worship Him at church; thank Him for family and friends; thank Him for food and pets and our homes; praise Him when we see things He created: sunrises, sunsets, trees, flowers, crickets, roly-polies, birds, clouds, mountains, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc).

What are some things we can do to show our love for other people? (Allow for answers. Some ideas include: Obey our parents; do kind things for brothers, sisters, friends, classmates, and neighbors; listen to our teachers; speak kind words to everyone we meet; tell others about Jesus, etc). 

God does not have a big list of things we must do, but He does want us to love Him and to love others. Let’s ask Him to help us do that while we wait for Jesus to return. 


Dear Lord, show us how to love you and to love others. Help us to love you and to love others every day for the rest of our lives, while we wait for Jesus to return. Amen. 


God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 
Pay close attention to the words of the last verse, as they tie in well with loving God and loving others. 
Here is a link to the lyrics: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
If you prefer to listen/watch, here is a link to one of our favorite versions: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen


Have younger children draw (or use any art supplies to create) a picture of what they think heaven will be like, based on Revelation 21:3-4. 

Parents/adults and older children, write about what you think heaven will be like, based on Revelation 21:1-7. If you bought journals last week, make sure you write in them this week, and enjoy re-reading these later!

Create a list of ways your family can show your love for God this week. Make a plan to do something intentional each day!
Create a list of ways your family can show your love for other people this week. Make a plan to do something intentional each day!

Here are a couple of ideas for you to add to your family’s list:

Love for God:

  • Write letters (or draw pictures) of thanks to Jesus, thanking Him for who He is, what He has done, and what He has given you to enjoy.
  • Take a “nature walk” or a “nature drive” together. Point out all the things you see that our God created. Praise Him together for His creation. 
  • Gather with other families and share a time of singing to the Lord together. Enjoy a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship songs. 
  • Gather with other families and share a time of prayer together. Include prayers of praise.

Love for others:

  • Write letters (or draw pictures) and mail them to family members and friends.
  • Choose a game that you own and give it to another family. 
  • Do each other’s chores for the day.
  • Meet an elderly neighbor and invite them over for a meal.
  • Take another family out for ice cream.
  • Take a prayer walk through your neighborhood, praying over your neighbors (God knows what your neighbors need! Just lift them up). 
  • Bake treats for family and friends and neighbors. Make sure to hand-deliver them.


Eat a sweet treat together again this week simply to celebrate Jesus Christ’s first coming while we wait for His return.


Set aside a few minutes each day to memorize Matthew 22:37-40 together.

For Fun

Set aside time this week to read aloud A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.
This book is a pretty short read. If you have younger children, there are shorter, picture-book versions. Reading aloud with our children is great for us and for them!
If you don’t already own the book, run to the bookstore together and get a copy, or order one here: A Christmas Carol
If you’d rather all listen together, we highly recommend this digital resource from Focus on the Family: Radio Theater: A Christmas Carol
You may also enjoy this audiobook on we found on Youtube: A Christmas Carol
Just cozy up and read or listen together!

After you have read the book together, enjoy staying in for a movie night and watch one of the many movie versions of A Christmas Carol
For younger children, enjoy Mickey’s Christmas Carol, which is streaming on Disney+ and is available on Youtube for a small charge: Mickey’s Christmas Carol
For older children, enjoy the 1984 version starring George C. Scott, which is free to watch on Youtube: A Christmas Carol

Pray Daily

Day 1: Pray for each other
Day 2: Pray for your extended family
Day 3: Pray for your friends
Day 4: Pray for your neighbors
Day 5: Pray for your church family
Day 6: Pray for your city
Day 7: Pray for the world

Pray specifically that everyone would learn to love the Lord and love others as we wait.
Also, continue to pray this simple prayer that Charles Spurgeon once prayed:
If any are unsaved, Lord, save them!

Extra Resources

Read the poem Christmastide by Christina Rossetti aloud.

Mary, Did You Know?
Silent Night (LIVE)
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
King of Kings/Angels We Have Heard on High

Advent Videos
The BibleProject Advent Series
The BibleProject Advent Guides

Advent Articles & Podcast Episodes
Seven Reasons to Celebrate Advent
Come, Lord Jesus with Nancy Guthrie
Take a Chance This Advent