Bible Illiteracy

by | March 2015 | From My Heart to Yours, Uncategorized

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Bible Illiteracy

The Shultz family is currently on a road trip in AZ. In fact, it’s 6:30 a.m., freezing cold, so I’m sitting in the warm-ish bathhouse of our campground. Needless to say, my blog is going to be short and sweet. Well, short and to the point. 🙂

I had a conversation a couple of weeks ago with my daughter who’s a student at Pepperdine University. She mentioned that she’s been tutoring her classmates in their Biblical Studies class. Many of these classmates have expressed surprise at the fact that Hannah knows so much about the Bible. These same classmates are ones who are Christians, ones who would consider themselves to have been raised in Christian homes. Unfortunately, stories like this are becoming all too common. I’ve heard from a number of new college-attending students that they are coming across more and more Christian students who do not know the Word. I meet more and more believers who aren’t able to recount even some of the most basic of Bible stories, unsure of exactly what it is they believe.

If you are a new believer, this is absolutely to be expected, but if you were raised in a Jesus-loving, Bible-believing home, this is something to be concerned about. Bible illiteracy is a growing trend – one that needs to be reversed.

It seems like years ago there was a shift. A shift away from head knowledge of the Lord to personal relationship with the Lord. Relationship IS what’s important, but we cannot know Him, we cannot be in relationship with Him unless we read His Word. One of the biggest ways we come to know Him is by knowing Him through the stories of old.

So, fellow believers…READ His Word, learn the stories, see our God for who He is and fall more deeply in love with Him.

And, fellow believing parents, read His Word to your children, teach them the stories, help them to see God for who He is and show them what it looks like to fall more deeply in love with Him! May we be the generation who lead the next generation to sky-rocket the Bible literacy rate.